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Customizing a graph's user interface
Home Documentation SmileLab Scripting Customizing graph's interface  
The following customizations consist generally in providing specific handlers in the script of the graphic window, or in the script of a graphic view. It is better that you be familiar with editing the script of a graphic object. If you are not, visit the page about Attaching a script to a graphical object.
  • When the user clicks then drags the mouse in a graphic view, or in a graphic window out of any graphic view, Smile sends pick in events to the script of the graphic view or of the graphic window.
  • When the user presses a key or a key combination while a graphic window is the active window, Smile sends a keydown event to the graphic window.
  • When the user resizes a graphic window, Smile sends a resized event to the graphic window.
  • Overlay drawings describe how to superimpose a drawing over a graph.
  • Installing widgets in a graphic window describe how to install widgets with programmable shape and colors in graphic windows, and handle the user's mouse events in the widgets in a script.
You can customize your environment to still a higher extent, as described in the following pages of Smile's documentation.
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