Numerics osax 1.1.7, Read me, October 2009


Numerics.osax is a Scripting Addition (a plug-in for AppleScript) to provide computational commands. Numerics.osax includes five Suites: Linear algebra, Signal processing (FFT and convolution), Image files, 3D array handling, and Numerical data files.

Installation, requirements, and incompatibilities

Numerics.osax and Smile

You can use Numerics.osax independently of Smile, in any AppleScript. However, using Numerics.osax in Smile brings additional benefits.


Linear algebra
Basic linear algebra and basic commands for inverting, diagonalizing, and decomposing a matrix. These commands support complex matrices. Product of matrices and/with vectors: M.M, M.v, v.M, <u,v>.
Signal processing
Fast Fourier transforms: 1d, grouped, n-dimensional, and 2d. Uses algorithms which scale in time like N.Log N. Not powers of 2-limited. Convolution and correlation of two arrays, support periodic boundary conditions. Interpolation, linear or spline, supports periodic boundary conditions.
Image processing
Basic commands for doing image processing: getting an image's bounds, importing it as a numerical matrix and back, and doing particles analysis (get statistical info and contours of particles of an image.)
3D array handling
Isosurfaces of a scalar field, and stream lines of a vectorial field (results are triangle lists.) Other commands to handle 3D data, extract fractions, and visualize them conveniently.
Numerical data files
This Suite introduces a new extensible data format, XNF (eXtensible Numerical File format.), extension .xnf. XNF files store binary 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays. One XNF file may contain arbitrarily many arrays of various kinds, stored under a variety of formats: the XNF file manages a Table of contents which specifies the properties of each array. Access to arrays is simply by name. Since the Table of contents is a XML, you can apply XPaths to retrieve a particular set of data. XMLLib osax required.


Click to view the AppleScript dictionary for Numerics.osax

The documentation for Numerics.osax is available on the Web. It is really the section in the documentation of Smile about the scientific environment.

Users of Smile: the documentation for the commands of Numerics.osax is in your machine. To open it, select Help > Documentation and visit the Table of contents. Or, in Smile, select a command from Numerics.osax, for instance transpose, then pull down the contextual menu (ctrl-click.)

Technical support and feedback

Distribution and property

This software is distributed by Satimage-software on a feedbackware basis. Before using it you must agree with the licensing terms for our free software.

In short, these terms specify that you owe us your feedback, and that you can integrate this software in a product or yours provided you state clearly enough that you are doing so.


A sincere thank is extended to those who reported bugs, offered suggestions, or collaborated with us at any level.


In no event will Satimage-software be liable for any consequences of the use or of the lack of use of this software.

Satimage-software - 1 avenue des Prés - F-94260 Fresnes - France